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WAS: 2025

discipline gender возрастная группа category calculated-on
шпага A/B женщины U23 Индивидуальный 09.02.2025. 13:18
год рождения тип рейтинга nationtype samepoints transferred points
2002 - 2013 Rolling (by time) All лучший результат по группам

rank очки initial имя страна год рождения 30.08.2023 Busan (U23)
World Championships U23
21.04.2024 Nakhon Ratchasima (U23)
World Championships U17/U23
22.06.2024 Orange (Senior)
Satellite Tournament "William of Orange"
22.06.2024 Orange (Senior)
Satellite Tournament "William of Orange"
1 115 0 THA 2003 50 65    
2 91 0 FRA 2007 65   26  
3 82 0 CAN 2002 50     32
4 70 0 KOR 2003 35 35    
5 55 0 THA 2005 20 35    
6 55 0 THA 2003 20 35    
7 50 0 THA 2003   50    
8 35 0 GBR 2004 35      
9 35 0 BRA 2007   35    
10 20 0 HKG 2003 20      
11 20 0 NPA 2003       20
12 14 0 NPA 2003     14  

все назначенные соревнования

    title city страна date возрастная группа group pointrule страны multiplicator replaced deleted Сумма same federation
1 World Championships U23 Busan KOR 30.08.2023 01.09.2023 U23 1 World Championships 7 1 11 0
2 World Championships U17/U23 Nakhon Ratchasima THA 21.04.2024 23.04.2024 U23 1 World Championships 4 1 8 0
3 Satellite Tournament "William of Orange" Orange FRA 22.06.2024 23.06.2024 Senior 2 World Cup 4 1 6 0
4 Satellite Tournament "William of Orange" Orange FRA 22.06.2024 23.06.2024 Senior 2 World Cup 4 1 5 0
5 Para Fencing Satellite Tournament Hong Kong HKG 12.04.2025 13.04.2025 Senior 2 World Cup 0 1 0 0
6 Para Fencing Satellite Tournament Hong Kong HKG 12.04.2025 13.04.2025 Senior 2 World Cup 0 1 0 0
7 Para Fencing Satellite Tournament "William of Orange" Orange FRA 31.05.2025 01.06.2025 Senior 2 World Cup 0 1 0 0
8 Para Fencing Satellite Tournament "William of Orange" Orange FRA 31.05.2025 01.06.2025 Senior 2 World Cup 0 1 0 0
9 Para Fencing World Championships U17/U23 (Date TBC) São Paulo BRA 01.10.2025 31.10.2025 U23 1 World Championships 0 1 0 0
10 3nd Stage National Circuit Sao Paulo BRA 21.11.2025 23.11.2025 Senior 2 World Cup 0 1 0 0
11 3nd Stage National Circuit Sao Paulo BRA 21.11.2025 23.11.2025 Senior 2 World Cup 0 1 0 0

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