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Copa do Mundo de Esgrima em Cadeira de Rodas
BRA Sao Paulo
April 14, 2022 - April 17, 2022
påkrævet: International licens

Epee female Senior Individual A

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
MAIA Karina 1990 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 45 Tilmeldt
MANICA Rudineia 1975 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R B 59 Tilmeldt
OLIVEIRA Carminha 1990 BRA Icarus Fencing
R A 19 Tilmeldt
SOARES Fabiana 1978 BRA Sport Club Magnólia
R A 43 Tilmeldt
VERAS Rayssa 1996 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano
R A 38 Tilmeldt
GARRIDO Begona 1960 ESP
R A 23 Tilmeldt
RODRIGUEZ MENENDEZ Judith 1995 ESP Club de Escrima de Vigo El Olivo
R A 11 Tilmeldt
VIDE Brianna 1999 FRA CE Le Muret
R A 7 Tilmeldt
COLLIS Gemma 1992 GBR Durham University
R A 2 Tilmeldt
R A 17 Tilmeldt
ZADISHVILI Gvantsa 1994 GEO Parasport Development Center of Tbilisi
R A 24 Tilmeldt
VLAMI Efthymia 1988 GRE
R A --- Tilmeldt
KWON Hyo Kyeong 2001 KOR
L A 5 Tilmeldt
SHIN Seung Ri 2002 KOR
R A 27 Tilmeldt
R A 20 Tilmeldt
R A 29 Tilmeldt
SITA Suthin 1978 THA
L A 36 Tilmeldt
R A 31 Tilmeldt
PERASSA Marta 1970 URU
R A 58 Tilmeldt
DYKES Patricia - USA R A --- Annulleret  

19 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 1 Annulleret

Atlet Forbund lic N R
OLIVEIRA Carminha 1990 BRA Icarus Fencing R A BRA 1

1 Forhåndstilmeldinger


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B CHUNG Kyung Mi KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
B GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
B TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
A VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
A YU Jin Kuk KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior female Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior female Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior female Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior female Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Epee female Senior Individual B

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
VAN DORPE Roswitha 1965 BEL
L B 27 Tilmeldt
SANTOS Monica 1983 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R B 38 Tilmeldt
DROIT MALARME Stéphanie 1974 FRA CE Reims
R B 15 Tilmeldt
SABLON Sophie 1979 FRA Masque De Fer de Lyon
R B 23 Tilmeldt
R B 24 Tilmeldt
KALTSI Georgia 1993 GRE
R B 53 Tilmeldt
LOUFAKI Kalliopi 1982 GRE
R B 52 Tilmeldt
BIAGINI Alessia 1994 ITA
R B 12 Tilmeldt
PASQUINO Rossana 1982 ITA
R B 2 Tilmeldt
CHO Eun Hye 1985 KOR
L B 18 Tilmeldt
JANA Saysunee 1974 THA
R B 1 Tilmeldt
SEEPAK Chintanakon 1978 THA
R B 26 Tilmeldt
GEDDES Ellen 1988 USA
L B 9 Tilmeldt
TAUBER Sylvi - GER TUS Maccabi Rostock L B 6 Annulleret  

13 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 1 Annulleret

Atlet Forbund lic N R
SANTOS Monica 1983 BRA Grêmio Náutico União R B BRA 6

1 Forhåndstilmeldinger


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B CHUNG Kyung Mi KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
B GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
B TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
A VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
A YU Jin Kuk KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior female Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior female Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior female Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior female Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Epee male Senior Team

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
KOR 12 Tilmeldt
BETTI Matteo (1985 L)
LAMBERTINI Emanuele (1999 R)
DEI ROSSI Matteo (1995 L)
PAOLUCCI Gianmarco (1995 R)
ITA --- Tilmeldt

BRA 9 Tilmeldt
ALI Ammar (1985 R)
AL-OGAILI Hayder (1994 R)
AL-MADHKHOORI Zainulabdeen (1991 R)
JABOR Ahmed (1993 R)
IRQ 3 Tilmeldt

FRA 2 Tilmeldt
SANGSAWANG Korakod (1978 R)
KAVEEKAT Waroot (1995 R)
KINGMANAW Visit (1989 R)
KHANTHITHAO Yuenyong (1979 L)
THA 11 Tilmeldt

GRE 16 Tilmeldt

7 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 0 Annulleret


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B CHUNG Kyung Mi KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
B GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
B TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
A VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
A YU Jin Kuk KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Epee male Senior Individual A

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
COLACO Sandro 1974 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 81 Tilmeldt
DAMASCENO Fabio Luiz 1983 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R A 86 Tilmeldt
DAMASCENO Kevin 2004 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R A 87 Tilmeldt
DE OLIVEIRA Lenilson 1973 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano
R A 65 Tilmeldt
OLIVEIRA Eduardo 1968 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano
L A 96 Tilmeldt
OLIVEIRA Elias 2000 BRA Romão Gomes Esgrima
R A 70 Tilmeldt
RIBEIRO Moacir 1983 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 80 Tilmeldt
SOUZA Alex Sandro 1976 BRA Esporte Clube Pinheiros
R A 64 Tilmeldt
ZAFATOSKI Clodoaldo 1984 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 77 Tilmeldt
CHARLOT Gaëtan 1998 FRA Masque De Fer de Lyon
R A 18 Tilmeldt
CITERNE Robert 1961 FRA Levallois Sporting Club
L A 21 Tilmeldt
R A 27 Tilmeldt
GIORGI Enzo 2000 FRA SE Nimes
R A 23 Tilmeldt
PERNET Alexis 1986 FRA
R A 41 Tilmeldt
PLATANIA PARISI Luca 2001 FRA Levallois Sporting Club
L A 4 Tilmeldt
R A 25 Tilmeldt
L A 22 Tilmeldt
TURKAWKA Adrien 1994 FRA CAM Bordeaux
L A 15 Tilmeldt
AL-FURAIJI Ibrahim 1997 IRQ
R A 53 Tilmeldt
AL-MADHKHOORI Zainulabdeen 1991 IRQ
R A 10 Tilmeldt
AL-OGAILI Hayder 1994 IRQ
R A 28 Tilmeldt
JABOR Ahmed 1993 IRQ
R A 76 Tilmeldt
BETTI Matteo 1985 ITA
L A 16 Tilmeldt
DEI ROSSI Matteo 1995 ITA Scherma Treviso
L A 8 Tilmeldt
GIORDAN Edoardo 1993 ITA
R A 7 Tilmeldt
LAMBERTINI Emanuele 1999 ITA
R A 2 Tilmeldt
CHO Yeong Rae 1976 KOR
R A 49 Tilmeldt
KIM Gun Wan 1975 KOR
R A 48 Tilmeldt
LEE Jin Sol 1993 KOR
R A 43 Tilmeldt
KAVEEKAT Waroot 1995 THA
R A 44 Tilmeldt
L A 35 Tilmeldt
PAKDEE Kitsada 1997 THA
R A 67 Tilmeldt
R A 47 Tilmeldt
SRIUJUN Krisana 1980 THA
R A 46 Tilmeldt
SCHMIDT Maurice - GER SV Böblingen R A 3 Annulleret  
SCHRADER Felix - GER SV 1845 Esslingen R A 29 Annulleret  
NTOUNIS Vasileios - GRE R A 78 Annulleret  
CALKA Norbert - POL L A 14 Annulleret  
NALEWAJEK Michal - POL L A 11 Annulleret  
KINGMANAW Visit - THA R B --- Annulleret  
THAISA Witthaya - THA R B --- Annulleret  

34 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 7 Annulleret


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B CHUNG Kyung Mi KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
B GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
B TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
A VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
A YU Jin Kuk KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Epee male Senior Individual B

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
R B 32 Tilmeldt
CHAVES Vanderson Luis 1994 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R B 44 Tilmeldt
GUISSONE Jovane 1983 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano
R B 1 Tilmeldt
MASSARUTT Rodrigo 1982 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R B 37 Tilmeldt
MONTEIRO DA SILVA Izaias 1986 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R B 40 Tilmeldt
PIRES Anderson 1984 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R B 62 Tilmeldt
PETER Yohan 1988 FRA Les Mousquetaires du Val
R B 3 Tilmeldt
ALI Ammar 1985 IRQ
R B 4 Tilmeldt
MNAHI Ali 1990 IRQ
R B 38 Tilmeldt
MASSA Michele 2004 ITA
R B 21 Tilmeldt
PAOLUCCI Gianmarco 1995 ITA
R B 14 Tilmeldt
KIM Dong Hun 1981 KOR
R B 23 Tilmeldt
RYU Eun Hwan 1991 KOR
R B 26 Tilmeldt
CHAROENTA Chitiphat 1998 THA
L B 49 Tilmeldt
R B 25 Tilmeldt
THAISA Witthaya 1984 THA
R B 33 Tilmeldt
R B 28 Tilmeldt
R B 29 Tilmeldt
NEVES Marcio - BRA Romão Gomes Esgrima R B --- Annulleret  
SOUZA Elielson da Silva - BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Pará R B --- Annulleret  
VASCONCELLOS Andre - BRA Romão Gomes Esgrima R C --- Annulleret  
CHEEMA Balwinder - GER TUS Maccabi Rostock R B 16 Annulleret  
WIDMAIER Tim - GER SV Böblingen R C 30 Annulleret  

18 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 5 Annulleret

Atlet Forbund lic N R
GUISSONE Jovane 1983 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano R B BRA -
CHAVES Vanderson Luis 1994 BRA Grêmio Náutico União R B BRA -

2 Forhåndstilmeldinger


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B CHUNG Kyung Mi KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
B GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
B TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
A VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
A YU Jin Kuk KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior male Epee World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Foil female Senior Individual A

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
MAIA Karina 1990 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 55 Tilmeldt
MANICA Rudineia 1975 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R B 49 Tilmeldt
OLIVEIRA Carminha 1990 BRA Icarus Fencing
R A 18 Tilmeldt
SOARES Fabiana 1978 BRA Sport Club Magnólia
R A 42 Tilmeldt
VERAS Rayssa 1996 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano
R A 39 Tilmeldt
GARRIDO Begona 1960 ESP
R A 30 Tilmeldt
RODRIGUEZ MENENDEZ Judith 1995 ESP Club de Escrima de Vigo El Olivo
R A 13 Tilmeldt
VIDE Brianna 1999 FRA CE Le Muret
R A 10 Tilmeldt
R A 4 Tilmeldt
ZADISHVILI Gvantsa 1994 GEO Parasport Development Center of Tbilisi
R A 8 Tilmeldt
VLAMI Efthymia 1988 GRE
R A --- Tilmeldt
MOGOS Ionela Andreea 1988 ITA
R A 1 Tilmeldt
TRIGILIA Loredana 1976 ITA
R A 6 Tilmeldt
KWON Hyo Kyeong 2001 KOR
L A 12 Tilmeldt
SHIN Seung Ri 2002 KOR
R A 28 Tilmeldt
R A 38 Tilmeldt
SITA Suthin 1978 THA
L A 25 Tilmeldt
R A 34 Tilmeldt
DYKES Patricia 1963 USA
R A 50 Tilmeldt

19 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 0 Annulleret

Atlet Forbund lic N R
OLIVEIRA Carminha 1990 BRA Icarus Fencing R A BRA 4

1 Forhåndstilmeldinger


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B CHUNG Kyung Mi KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
A GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
B TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B YU Jin Kuk KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior female Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior female Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior female Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior female Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Foil female Senior Individual B

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
VAN DORPE Roswitha 1965 BEL
L B 25 Tilmeldt
SANTOS Monica 1983 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R B 20 Tilmeldt
DROIT MALARME Stéphanie 1974 FRA CE Reims
R B 9 Tilmeldt
SABLON Sophie 1979 FRA Masque De Fer de Lyon
R B 14 Tilmeldt
R B 1 Tilmeldt
KALTSI Georgia 1993 GRE
R B 44 Tilmeldt
BIAGINI Alessia 1994 ITA
R B 12 Tilmeldt
CHO Eun Hye 1985 KOR
L B 16 Tilmeldt
TENKINK Iris 1982 NED SC Amsterdam
L B 15 Tilmeldt
JANA Saysunee 1974 THA
R B 2 Tilmeldt
SEEPAK Chintanakon 1978 THA
R B 28 Tilmeldt
GEDDES Ellen 1988 USA
L B 4 Tilmeldt
TAUBER Sylvi - GER TUS Maccabi Rostock L B 6 Annulleret  

12 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 1 Annulleret

Atlet Forbund lic N R
SANTOS Monica 1983 BRA Grêmio Náutico União R B BRA 2

1 Forhåndstilmeldinger


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B CHUNG Kyung Mi KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
A GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
B TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B YU Jin Kuk KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior female Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior female Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior female Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior female Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Foil male Senior Individual A

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
COLACO Sandro 1974 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 52 Tilmeldt
DAMASCENO Fabio Luiz 1983 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R A 51 Tilmeldt
DAMASCENO Kevin 2004 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R A 60 Tilmeldt
DE OLIVEIRA Lenilson 1973 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano
R A 58 Tilmeldt
OLIVEIRA Eduardo 1968 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano
L A 73 Tilmeldt
RIBEIRO Moacir 1983 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 70 Tilmeldt
SOUZA Alex Sandro 1976 BRA Esporte Clube Pinheiros
R A 44 Tilmeldt
ZAFATOSKI Clodoaldo 1984 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 68 Tilmeldt
CHARLOT Gaëtan 1998 FRA Masque De Fer de Lyon
R A 21 Tilmeldt
R A 17 Tilmeldt
R A 19 Tilmeldt
GIORGI Enzo 2000 FRA SE Nimes
R A 24 Tilmeldt
R A 9 Tilmeldt
PLATANIA PARISI Luca 2001 FRA Levallois Sporting Club
L A 15 Tilmeldt
L A 5 Tilmeldt
TURKAWKA Adrien 1994 FRA CAM Bordeaux
L A 23 Tilmeldt
AL-FURAIJI Ibrahim 1997 IRQ
R A --- Tilmeldt
AL-MADHKHOORI Zainulabdeen 1991 IRQ
R A 18 Tilmeldt
AL-OGAILI Hayder 1994 IRQ
R A 38 Tilmeldt
JABOR Ahmed 1993 IRQ
R A --- Tilmeldt
BETTI Matteo 1985 ITA
L A 2 Tilmeldt
LAMBERTINI Emanuele 1999 ITA
R A 3 Tilmeldt
CHO Yeong Rae 1976 KOR
R A 36 Tilmeldt
KIM Gun Wan 1975 KOR
R A 43 Tilmeldt
LEE Jin Sol 1993 KOR
R A 42 Tilmeldt
PAKDEE Kitsada 1997 THA
R A 54 Tilmeldt
R A 32 Tilmeldt
HAUPT Julius - GER FC Tauberbischofsheim R A 10 Annulleret  
SCHRADER Felix - GER SV 1845 Esslingen R A 37 Annulleret  
NTOUNIS Vasileios - GRE R A --- Annulleret  
CALKA Norbert - POL L A 20 Annulleret  
NALEWAJEK Michal - POL L A 4 Annulleret  
KINGMANAW Visit - THA R B --- Annulleret  
THAISA Witthaya - THA R B --- Annulleret  

27 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 7 Annulleret


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B CHUNG Kyung Mi KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
A GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
B TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B YU Jin Kuk KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior male Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior male Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior male Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior male Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Foil male Senior Individual B

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
R B 29 Tilmeldt
CHAVES Vanderson Luis 1994 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R B 17 Tilmeldt
GUISSONE Jovane 1983 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano
R B 6 Tilmeldt
MASSARUTT Rodrigo 1982 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R B --- Tilmeldt
STEMPNIAK DE LIMA Mauricio 1979 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R B 39 Tilmeldt
VADON Laurent 1976 FRA Meylan Escrime
R B 4 Tilmeldt
VALET Maxime 1987 FRA UC Toulouse
R B 2 Tilmeldt
ALI Ammar 1985 IRQ
R B 24 Tilmeldt
MNAHI Ali 1990 IRQ
R B --- Tilmeldt
MASSA Michele 2004 ITA
R B 11 Tilmeldt
KIM Dong Hun 1981 KOR
R B 22 Tilmeldt
RYU Eun Hwan 1991 KOR
R B 18 Tilmeldt
KHULPISAL Teerapat 1986 THA
R B 32 Tilmeldt
R B 19 Tilmeldt
THAISA Witthaya 1984 THA
R B 35 Tilmeldt
SOUZA Elielson da Silva - BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Pará R B 63 Annulleret  
CHEEMA Balwinder - GER TUS Maccabi Rostock R B --- Annulleret  

15 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 2 Annulleret

Atlet Forbund lic N R
GUISSONE Jovane 1983 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano R B BRA -
CHAVES Vanderson Luis 1994 BRA Grêmio Náutico União R B BRA -

2 Forhåndstilmeldinger


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B CHUNG Kyung Mi KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
A GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
B TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B YU Jin Kuk KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior male Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior male Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior male Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior male Foil World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Foil open Senior Team

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
KOR --- Tilmeldt
BRA --- Tilmeldt
ITA --- Tilmeldt
SITA Suthin (1978 L)
JANA Saysunee (1974 R)
SANITMUANWAI Boonsiri (1992 R)
KINGMANAW Visit (1989 R)
THA --- Tilmeldt

4 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 0 Annulleret


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B CHUNG Kyung Mi KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
A GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
B TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B YU Jin Kuk KOR Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

Sabre female Senior Team

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
KOR 7 Tilmeldt
GEO 1 Tilmeldt
TRIGILIA Loredana (1976 R)
PASQUINO Rossana (1982 R)
MOGOS Ionela Andreea (1988 R)
ITA --- Tilmeldt

BRA 6 Tilmeldt
NAKPRASIT Duean (1992 R)
JANA Saysunee (1974 R)
THA 5 Tilmeldt

5 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 0 Annulleret


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
A TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Sabre female Senior Individual A

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
MAIA Karina 1990 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 39 Tilmeldt
MANICA Rudineia 1975 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R B 46 Tilmeldt
OLIVEIRA Carminha 1990 BRA Icarus Fencing
R A 34 Tilmeldt
SOARES Fabiana 1978 BRA Sport Club Magnólia
R A 36 Tilmeldt
GARRIDO Begona 1960 ESP
R A 21 Tilmeldt
RODRIGUEZ MENENDEZ Judith 1995 ESP Club de Escrima de Vigo El Olivo
R A 32 Tilmeldt
VIDE Brianna 1999 FRA CE Le Muret
R A 5 Tilmeldt
COLLIS Gemma 1992 GBR Durham University
R A 3 Tilmeldt
R A 1 Tilmeldt
ZADISHVILI Gvantsa 1994 GEO Parasport Development Center of Tbilisi
R A 8 Tilmeldt
VLAMI Efthymia 1988 GRE
R A --- Tilmeldt
MOGOS Ionela Andreea 1988 ITA
R A 6 Tilmeldt
TRIGILIA Loredana 1976 ITA
R A 12 Tilmeldt
KWON Hyo Kyeong 2001 KOR
L A 14 Tilmeldt
SHIN Seung Ri 2002 KOR
R A 25 Tilmeldt
R A 29 Tilmeldt
R A 22 Tilmeldt
R A 33 Tilmeldt
R A 40 Tilmeldt
PERASSA Marta 1970 URU
R A 43 Tilmeldt
DYKES Patricia 1963 USA
R A 41 Tilmeldt

21 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 0 Annulleret

Atlet Forbund lic N R
OLIVEIRA Carminha 1990 BRA Icarus Fencing R A BRA 3

1 Forhåndstilmeldinger


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
A TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Sabre female Senior Individual B

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
VAN DORPE Roswitha 1965 BEL
L B 17 Tilmeldt
SANTOS Monica 1983 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R B 14 Tilmeldt
SABLON Sophie 1979 FRA Masque De Fer de Lyon
R B 6 Tilmeldt
R B 1 Tilmeldt
KALTSI Georgia 1993 GRE
R B 28 Tilmeldt
LOUFAKI Kalliopi 1982 GRE
R B 41 Tilmeldt
PASQUINO Rossana 1982 ITA
R B 2 Tilmeldt
CHO Eun Hye 1985 KOR
L B 13 Tilmeldt
JANA Saysunee 1974 THA
R B 5 Tilmeldt
SEEPAK Chintanakon 1978 THA
R B 23 Tilmeldt
TAUBER Sylvi - GER TUS Maccabi Rostock L B 3 Annulleret  

10 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 1 Annulleret

Atlet Forbund lic N R
SANTOS Monica 1983 BRA Grêmio Náutico União R B BRA 2

1 Forhåndstilmeldinger


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
A TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior female Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Sabre male Senior Individual A

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
COLACO Sandro 1974 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 66 Tilmeldt
DAMASCENO Fabio Luiz 1983 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R A 50 Tilmeldt
DAMASCENO Kevin 2004 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R A 53 Tilmeldt
OLIVEIRA Elias 2000 BRA Romão Gomes Esgrima
R A 69 Tilmeldt
RIBEIRO Moacir 1983 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 73 Tilmeldt
SOUZA Alex Sandro 1976 BRA Esporte Clube Pinheiros
R A 54 Tilmeldt
ZAFATOSKI Clodoaldo 1984 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R A 70 Tilmeldt
CITERNE Robert 1961 FRA Levallois Sporting Club
L A 12 Tilmeldt
R A 14 Tilmeldt
R A 7 Tilmeldt
R A 10 Tilmeldt
AL-FURAIJI Ibrahim 1997 IRQ
R A 47 Tilmeldt
AL-MADHKHOORI Zainulabdeen 1991 IRQ
R A 40 Tilmeldt
JABOR Ahmed 1993 IRQ
R A 68 Tilmeldt
DEI ROSSI Matteo 1995 ITA Scherma Treviso
L A 9 Tilmeldt
GIORDAN Edoardo 1993 ITA
R A 1 Tilmeldt
CHO Yeong Rae 1976 KOR
R A 39 Tilmeldt
KIM Gun Wan 1975 KOR
R A 34 Tilmeldt
LEE Jin Sol 1993 KOR
R A 29 Tilmeldt
KAVEEKAT Waroot 1995 THA
R A 42 Tilmeldt
L A 32 Tilmeldt
R A 38 Tilmeldt
R A 26 Tilmeldt
SRIUJUN Krisana 1980 THA
R A 35 Tilmeldt
HAUPT Julius - GER FC Tauberbischofsheim R A 19 Annulleret  
SCHMIDT Maurice - GER SV Böblingen R A 3 Annulleret  
SCHRADER Felix - GER SV 1845 Esslingen R A 88 Annulleret  
NTOUNIS Vasileios - GRE R A 16 Annulleret  

24 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 4 Annulleret


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
A TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior male Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior male Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior male Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior male Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)

Sabre male Senior Individual B

Vis liste

Atlet / Hold Seedning Status lic
R B 28 Tilmeldt
CHAVES Vanderson Luis 1994 BRA Grêmio Náutico União
R B 14 Tilmeldt
MASSARUTT Rodrigo 1982 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R B 37 Tilmeldt
MONTEIRO DA SILVA Izaias 1986 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R B 35 Tilmeldt
PIRES Anderson 1984 BRA Associação dos Deficientes Físicos do Paraná
R B 41 Tilmeldt
PETER Yohan 1988 FRA Les Mousquetaires du Val
R B 10 Tilmeldt
VADON Laurent 1976 FRA Meylan Escrime
R B 7 Tilmeldt
VALET Maxime 1987 FRA UC Toulouse
R B 2 Tilmeldt
MNAHI Ali 1990 IRQ
R B 42 Tilmeldt
PAOLUCCI Gianmarco 1995 ITA
R B 4 Tilmeldt
KIM Dong Hun 1981 KOR
R B 21 Tilmeldt
RYU Eun Hwan 1991 KOR
R B 20 Tilmeldt
CHAROENTA Chitiphat 1998 THA
L B 27 Tilmeldt
KHULPISAL Teerapat 1986 THA
R B 22 Tilmeldt
R B 19 Tilmeldt
R B 34 Tilmeldt
CHEEMA Balwinder - GER TUS Maccabi Rostock R B 16 Annulleret  
WIDMAIER Tim - GER SV Böblingen R C 24 Annulleret  
THAISA Witthaya - THA R B --- Annulleret  

16 Tilmeldinger, 0 afventer, 3 Annulleret

Atlet Forbund lic N R
GUISSONE Jovane 1983 BRA Club Athletico Paulistano R B BRA -
CHAVES Vanderson Luis 1994 BRA Grêmio Náutico União R B BRA -

2 Forhåndstilmeldinger


Kategori Navn Land Tilmeldt af  
ABATTI Cesar Julio ARG World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B ANZOLIN Carolina BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B ASSIS Gabriel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B BINDI Ricardo BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B GRUNDY Sean GBR World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
MELIAN Abel BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B RODRIGUES Gabriella BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B SHUMATE Sean USA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B SPEHNER Vincent FRA Federation Francaise Handisport
A TOGNOLLI Alessia ITA World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
B VELLOSO Paulo Juan BRA Confederacao Brasileira de Esgrima
B VOGT Suzanna CAN World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
Navn Land Tilmeldt af Rolle

ranking lists

2022 WAS Senior male Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2022 Year's best ranked athlete Senior male Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2023 WAS Senior male Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
2024 WAS Senior male Sabre World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)


CESIO Guillermo ARG Træner Argentine Federation de deportes Sobre Silla de Ruedas
COLLIS Philip GBR Træner Thu Fri Sat British Fencing Association Ltd
CAROLINA Maurandi ITA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Italian Paralympic Committee
CIARI Marco ITA Træner Italian Paralympic Committee
MARTINELLI Francesco ITA Træner Italian Paralympic Committee
MEGLIO Ferdinando ITA Træner Italian Paralympic Committee
RAPISARDA Gianvito ITA Medicinsk Italian Paralympic Committee
VANNI Simone ITA Træner Italian Paralympic Committee
CHO A Young KOR Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
CHOI Do Sun KOR Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
JUNG Min KOR Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
OH Da Hee KOR Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
PARK Da Young KOR Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
PARK Kyu Hwa KOR Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Korea Disabled Veterans Organisation
MESKHI Malkhaz GEO Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Parasport Development Centre of Tbilisi
BOONSAWETTANON Natee THA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Sports Association of the Disabled of Thailand
CHANTASUVANNASIN Nunta THA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Sports Association of the Disabled of Thailand
JIRASINWANICH Pachara THA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Sports Association of the Disabled of Thailand
SEEJAIWONG Wipawadee THA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Sports Association of the Disabled of Thailand
SIVARAWUT Thatsaneephan THA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun Sports Association of the Disabled of Thailand
BOUWKAMP Catherine USA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun USA Fencing
DIAZ Julio USA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun USA Fencing
URETSKY Lori USA Medicinsk Thu Fri Sat Sun USA Fencing
AL-KHALISSI Jamal IRQ Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
AL-SARRAJI Ali IRQ Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
BARROIS Sébastian FRA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
CARVAJAL Daniel CRC competition management Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
DE CARIA Franco URU Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
DUBREUIL Guillaume FRA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
GIORGI Hervé FRA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
GIOVANNINI Fabio FRA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
GROSS Gregory ISR competition management Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
MAIA Tuko AUS competition management Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
MARCHETTI Daria ITA competition management Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
MOSS Jon USA competition management Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
PRUDHOMME Serge FRA Træner Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
STRASSER Lynn LUX competition management Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)
ZIEGLER Kai GER competition management Thu Fri Sat Sun World Para Fencing (governed by World Abilitysport)